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ITMELT 2001 Conference
With sponsorship from Clarity Language Consultants

Link to Hong Kong Polytechnic University Home Page

On this site: 2001 Conference Home Page | Abstracts | Speakers | Papers | Hotel Accommodation

ITMELT 2001 Conference Schedule



09.00 - 09.30 Opening speeches (Room M003)
  • Prof. Yeung Kwok-wing, Vice-President (Academic Development),
    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Prof. Leung Tin-pui, Vice-President (Student & Staff Development) & Dean (COM),
    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
09.30 - 10.15 Keynote address (Room M003)

Innovation and Synergy in IT and ELT

Prof. Martha Pennington

Powdrill Professor of English Language Acquisition
Language Research Centre
University of Luton, U.K.



Keynote address (Room M003)

Maximizing the Potential of Computer-mediated Communications as a Collaborative Learning Environment for ESL Teachers

Professor Amy B. M. Tsui
Chair Professor and Head
Department of Curriculum Studies
Hong Kong University, Hong Kong

Refreshments (Room M112)

Refreshments (Room M112)

10.45 - 11.30 Parallel sessions Parallel sessions
11.45 - 12.30 Parallel sessions Parallel sessions

Lunch (Regal Kowloon Hotel – Versailles Room)

Lunch (Regal Kowloon Hotel – Versailles Room)

14.00 - 14.45 Parallel sessions Parallel sessions

Refreshments (Room M112)

Refreshments (Room M112)

15.15 - 16.15 Parallel sessions Parallel sessions
16.15 – 17.00 Roundtable discussion


Room M001 Room M002

Room M003

Room M115

10.45 – 11.30 Theme 1 presentation


"Muddled methodology – CALL in the classroom is not always communicative but it can be"

Theme 2 presentation


"Evaluating five speech recognition programs for ESL learners"

Theme 3 presentation


"Students working with an English learners’ dictionary on CD-ROM"

Please sign up outside room – limited number of participants for sessions in this room
11.45 - 12.30   Theme 2 presentation


"CALL for reading in English: an interactive Web program for college-level ESL students"

Theme 3 presentation


"A subject-specific glossary-assisted model for open and distance learning"

Theme 2 workshop


"Our dreams have lost some grandeur coming true " – producing web-based materials which are pedagogically valuable"

12:30 - 14:00 LUNCH – Regal Kowloon Hotel (Versailles Room I-II - 3/F)
14.00 - 14.45

Theme 1 presentation


"Community formation through partially web-based classrooms"

Theme 2 presentation

Stokes (Clarity)

"Practical ideas to make your ELT programs work hard for you!"

Theme 3 presentation


"A pattern retrieval program for exploring corpus-based English phraseology"

14:45 - 15:15 REFRESHMENTS – Room M112 and
Tour of the ELC's IT and multimedia facilities - please sign up
15.15 - 16.00 Theme 1 presentation

Lee, Lai, Chan & Jor

"Autonomous learning with the support of a multimedia English learning website: design, application & some preliminary results"

Theme 2 presentation

Borden & Cozens (Clarity)

"Create your own computer-based lessons – incredibly fast!"

  Theme 2 workshop


"Creating and evaluating Web-based lessons"

16.15 – 17.00 Roundtable discussion

Cobb, Pennington, Tsui, Greaves, Stokes

Room 001 Room 002 Room 003 Room 115
10.45 – 11.30 Theme 1 presentation


"Selecting & integrating CALL software programs into the EFL classroom"

  Theme 3 presentation

Cobb & Horst

"Growing academic vocabulary with a collaborative online database"

Theme 3 workshop


"Tools to help students' writing: are they educational or do they replace education?"

11.45 - 12.30 Theme 1 presentation


"From consumption to contribution: a change in roles for teachers and learners on the Web"

Theme 2 presentation


"Developing evaluation frameworks for CALL software and English language websites with pre-service English language teachers"

Theme 3 presentation

Ng & Burton

"Developing language awareness through concordancing: action research and materials development for first-year university students in HK"

12:30 - 14:00 LUNCH – Regal Kowloon Hotel (Versailles Room I-II - 3/F)
14.00 - 14.45 Theme 1 presentation


"Cycles of Innovation"

Theme 2 presentation


"From "Sir, what's my grade?" to "Click here for extra practice.": The long road to student autonomy."

  Theme 2 workshop


"News weather, movies and recipes: a workshop on Web activities to integrate into the classroom"

14:45 - 15:15 REFRESHMENTS - Room M112
15.15 - 16.00   Theme 2 presentation


"Resources-assisted learning: a vocabulary on-demand model for WWW online learning"

Theme 2 presentation


"Easynews: making online news even easier"

Theme 2 workshop


"Writing Assistance Program Online Service"