On this site: 2001 Conference Home Page | Abstracts | Speakers | Papers | Hotel Accommodation
ITMELT 2001 Conference Schedule
Friday |
Saturday |
09.00 - 09.30 | Opening
speeches (Room M003) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
09.30 - 10.15 | Keynote
address (Room M003) Innovation and Synergy in IT and ELT Prof. Martha Pennington Powdrill Professor of English Language Acquisition
address (Room M003)
Professor Amy B. M. Tsui |
Refreshments (Room M112) |
Refreshments (Room M112) |
10.45 - 11.30 | Parallel sessions | Parallel sessions |
11.45 - 12.30 | Parallel sessions | Parallel sessions |
Lunch (Regal Kowloon Hotel Versailles Room) |
Lunch (Regal Kowloon Hotel Versailles Room) |
14.00 - 14.45 | Parallel sessions | Parallel sessions |
Refreshments (Room M112) |
Refreshments (Room M112) |
15.15 - 16.15 | Parallel sessions | Parallel sessions |
16.15 17.00 | Roundtable discussion |
Friday | ||||
Room M001 | Room M002 | Room M003 |
Room M115 |
10.45 11.30 | Theme 1
presentation Brown "Muddled methodology CALL in the classroom is not always communicative but it can be" |
Theme 2
presentation Chen "Evaluating five speech recognition programs for ESL learners" |
Theme 3
presentation Winkler "Students working with an English learners dictionary on CD-ROM" |
Please sign up outside room limited number of participants for sessions in this room |
11.45 - 12.30 | Theme 2
presentation Singhal "CALL for reading in English: an interactive Web program for college-level ESL students" |
Theme 3
presentation Han "A subject-specific glossary-assisted model for open and distance learning" |
2 workshop Beaton |
12:30 - 14:00 | LUNCH Regal Kowloon Hotel (Versailles Room I-II - 3/F) | |||
14.00 - 14.45 | Theme 1 presentation Sengupta "Community formation through partially web-based classrooms" |
2 presentation Stokes (Clarity) "Practical ideas to make your ELT programs work hard for you!" |
Theme 3
presentation Gao "A pattern retrieval program for exploring corpus-based English phraseology" |
14:45 - 15:15 | REFRESHMENTS Room M112 and Tour of the ELC's IT and multimedia facilities - please sign up |
15.15 - 16.00 | Theme 1
presentation Lee, Lai, Chan & Jor |
Theme 2
presentation Borden & Cozens (Clarity) |
Theme 2 workshop Jasper |
16.15 17.00 | Roundtable
discussion Cobb, Pennington, Tsui, Greaves, Stokes |
Saturday | ||||
Room 001 | Room 002 | Room 003 | Room 115 | |
10.45 11.30 | Theme 1
presentation Lee "Selecting & integrating CALL software programs into the EFL classroom" |
Theme 3
presentation Cobb & Horst "Growing academic vocabulary with a collaborative online database" |
Theme 3 workshop Morrall "Tools to help students' writing: are they educational or do they replace education?" |
11.45 - 12.30 | Theme 1
presentation Wong "From consumption to contribution: a change in roles for teachers and learners on the Web" |
2 presentation Prescott |
Theme 3
presentation Ng & Burton |
12:30 - 14:00 | LUNCH Regal Kowloon Hotel (Versailles Room I-II - 3/F) | |||
14.00 - 14.45 | Theme 1
presentation Pennington |
Theme 2 presentation Saunders |
Theme 2 workshop Brown "News weather, movies and recipes: a workshop on Web activities to integrate into the classroom" |
14:45 - 15:15 | REFRESHMENTS - Room M112 | |||
15.15 - 16.00 | Theme 2
presentation Greaves "Resources-assisted learning: a vocabulary on-demand model for WWW online learning" |
2 presentation Corbel |
2 workshop Leong |