Hotel Information
There are a number of hotel deals in Hong Kong at the moment. We suggest you contact your travel agent to find out the best deals.
Below are some hotels located nearby the Polytechnic University (approximately 5 minutes walk) which will offer a discounted rate to conference members. Please contact them directly and mention that you are attending a conference at the Polytechnic University.
Grand Stanford Harbour View (5-star) | Ramada Hotel (3-star) | Park Hotel (3-star) | Kowloon Hotel (4-star) |
Tsim Sha Tsui East Tel: (852) 2721 5161 Fax: (852) 2369 5672 |
Chatham Road Kowloon Tel: (852) 2311 3113 Fax: (852) 2311 6000 |
61-65 Chatham Road South Kowloon Tel: (852) 2366 1371 Fax: (852) 2739 7259 |
19-21 Nathan Road,
Kowloon Next to Peninsula Hotel, opposite the Space Museum, No.5 bus stops opposite to PolyU fountain, about 3-4 stops) Tel: +852 2369 8698 Fax: +852 2739 9811 |
(Contact: Ms. Swan Lam, 2731 2825) Single - HK$980 (incl. full buffet breakfast & tax etc.) Double - HK$1,080 (ditto) |
(Contact: Ms. Lo, 2311 1100 ext. 695) Single - HK$480 (incl. tax etc.) + HK$50 (breakfast) Double - ( ditto ) + HK$100 (breakfast) |
(Contact; Mr. Cheung, 2731 2108) Single - HK$650 (incl. breakfast + tax etc.) Double - HK$750 ( ditto ) |
(Contact: Ms. Yeung, 2734
3874) Single - HK$800 (exclud. tax etc.) + HK$100 (breakfast) Double - HK$800 ( ditto ) + HK$200 (breakfast) |
Price guide for breakfast: You can get a breakfast in a burger restaurant for about
The exchange rate is about HK$7.80 to US$1.00
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Web page design: Andy Morrall. Please
e-mail me with any suggestions for this site.
Last updated on Saturday, 18 August 2001.