Call for Papers
ITMELT 99 will be hosted by the English Language Centre (ELC) of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
The 1998 5-year strategic plan published by the Hong Kong Education & Manpower Bureau ("Information Technology for Learning in a New Era") emphasizes that Information Technology (IT) in education will play a key role in preparing students for tomorrow's world. It also stresses the government's objective "to turn our schools into dynamic learning institutions where students can become motivated, inquisitive and creative learners, and to link up our students with the vast network of knowledge and information to enable them to acquire a broad knowledge base and a global outlook".
As educationalists and partners in this vision, the ELC will host a conference to address these broad issues and goals as they apply in English Language Teaching (ELT). It will further consider how ELT professionals can both take advantage of, and lend our support to, these initiatives in the use and application of IT and multimedia in the teaching and learning of English.
You are cordially invited to present a paper at the Conference.
The main topic areas are:
1. IT in English language learning and teaching, with reference to:
2. The development and implementation of hypermedia and multimedia educational systems
3. Computer-mediated communication: the Internet, virtual classrooms, information exchange systems, e-mail, video-conferencing, MOOs etc.
4. The management of educational IT, including:
1. Paper presentation:
45-minute formal presentations including 10 minutes for questions and comments
2. Workshops:
60-minute demonstrations in which audience participation is expected
3. Promotional displays:
For vendors, publishers and developers to display or demonstrate multimedia products
and initiatives
A diskette or an attached e-mail file, and a hard copy of a 200-word abstract and a 50-word bio-data should be sent to the Organising Committee at the address below before 30 May, 1999.
Please submit the abstract and bio-data in Microsoft Word (.doc) or Internet page format (.htm).
Confirmation of acceptance will be given by 19 June, 1999.
If accepted, full papers must be submitted by 14 August, 1999.
Complete the form below.
Conference Fee
Registrations (after 30 June 1999) HK$400/US$60
Hong Kong Primary and Secondary school teachers HK$200
Deadline for submission of abstracts 30 May 1999
Confirmation of acceptance 19 June 1999
Deadline for full paper submissions 14 Aug 1999
Deadline for registration 31 October 1999
Registration fee receipts at the conference
Abstracts and full versions of selected papers will be published in a conference publication to be available at the conference. Acceptance of full papers for inclusion is subject to peer review by an editorial committee set-up by the conference organising committee.
Conference Organising Committee
Sue Fitzgerald (Co-chair), Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Bruce Morrison (Co-chair), Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hilary Bower, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Chris Greaves, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Peter Johnson, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Grace Lim, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Andy Morrall, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Conference Editorial Committee
Don Cruickshank, University of Macau
David Gardner, Hong Kong University
Jeff James, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Ken Keobke, City University of Hong Kong
Bruce Morrison, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Registration Form (For all presenters and delegates)
This form is also available as a Microsoft Word document.
Personal Particulars
Name (Family name, other names):_________________________________________ ______________________________________(Prof. / Dr. / Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. / Miss)
Position:____________________ Department:______________________________________
Tel:_____________ Fax:_____________ E-mail:_____________________________________
Internet address of institution: http://_______________________________________________
Internet address of personal/department academic homepage: http://______________________
I would like to register: as a presenter / as a participant
I am submitting: a paper / a workshop / a promotional display
Fees (please indicate choice)
Registration (must be received by 31 October, 1999) HK$400 (US$60)
Local school teacher registration HK$200
Please issue a cheque made payable to the "The Hong Kong Polytechnic University". The fee will cover registration, refreshments, and a conference pack.
After registration
You will receive a notification letter about the conference arrangements before October
15, 1999.
Conference receipts will be available at the conference.
Send to:
Organising Committee of ITMELT 99, c/o Ms Sue Fitzgerald, English Language Centre, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Fax: (852) 2766 7576, e-mail: ecsusan@polyu.edu.hk
The registration form and fee must be sent together.
Web page design: Andy Morrall. Please
e-mail me with any suggestions for this site.
Last updated on Saturday, 18 August 2001.