Link to the home page of the English Language Centre

ITMELT 2001 Conference
With sponsorship from Clarity Language Consultants

Link to Hong Kong Polytechnic University Home Page

Call for papers, workshop proposals and displays

The deadline has now passed for the 2001 conference.
Click here to see the abstracts

On this page: Schedule for calls for papers | Conference Themes | Presentation Types | Abstract Submission Form

Schedule for calls for papers:

First call for papers: June 2000.
Second call for papers: September 2000.
Final call for papers: October 2000.
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 10 November 2000.

Conference Themes:

1. Integration of CALL and IT into the curriculum

2. Development, exploitation & evaluation of CALL for the classroom and for self-access

3. The application of IT tools to learning and teaching

Selected proceedings will be published.


Presentation Types

  1. Paper presentations
    45-minute formal presentations including 10 minutes for questions and comments
  2. Workshops
    55-minute demonstrations in which audience participation is expected
  3. Promotional displays
    For vendors, publishers and developers to display or demonstrate multimedia products and initiatives


Abstract Submission Form

Please fill in the details in the following form:
Your family name: 
Your other names: 
Your title: e.g.  Professor / Mr / Mrs / Ms 
The family names, other names, titles and institutions of any co-presenters: (optional)
Your biodata (a less-than-50-word biography of yourself):
The name of your institution: 
Your postal address: 
Your telephone number: 
Your fax number: 
Your or your department / centre / school's Internet address:
Your e-mail address:
Do you want to do a paper , a workshop , or a promotional display ?
Title of your paper:
(Sends us this form) (Clears all the boxes above)


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