Information Technology & Multimedia in English Language Teaching
Registration Form (For all presenters and delegates)
Personal Particulars
Name (Family name, other names):_________________________________________
______________________________________(Prof. / Dr. / Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. / Miss)
Position:____________________ Department:______________________________________
Tel:_____________ Fax:_____________ E-mail:__________________________________
Fees (please indicate a choice by ticking the box: |
) | |
Normal registration |
Local school teacher registration HK$300 |
Please issue a cheque made payable to the "The Hong Kong Polytechnic University". The fee will cover registration, refreshments, lunch on both days, a conference book and a conference pack.
After registration
You will receive a notification letter about the conference arrangements before 23 May 2001.
Conference receipts will be available at the conference.
Send to:
Organising Committee of ITMELT 2001, c/o Ms Sue Fitzgerald, English Language Centre, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Fax: (852) 2766 7576, E-mail: ecsusan@polyu.edu.hk
The registration form and fee must be sent together.
With sponsorship from Clarity Language Consultants http://www.clarity.com.hk
Click here to go back to the conference home page.
Web page design: Andy Morrall. Please
e-mail me with any suggestions for this site.
Last updated on Saturday, 18 August 2001.