There is growth.
It is recent.
It is after school.
It is in programming.
(Hint: 'recent...')
It is a safe place.
It is a supervised place.
It is a place for children to participate.
The place is for constructive activities.
(Hint: 'a safe, ...')
There are relationships.
They are positive.
They are between peers and adults.
(Hint: 'positive...')
There is a wide array.
The wide array is of enrichment opportunities.
The enrichment opportunities promote moral growth.
The enrichment opportunities promote development.
(Hint: 'a wide... ...that...')
There was a study.
There were nearly 5,000 in the study.
Those in the study were eighth-graders.
(Hint: 'a study of...')
There is variation.
The variation is in program design.
The variation is in program implementation.
(Hint: 'variation...)
There are strengths.
There are needs.
They are unique.
They are inherent in individual neighborhoods.
They are inherent in communities.
(Hint: 'unique...')
There is a range.
There are activities.
They are interesting.
They are engaging.
(Hint: 'a range...')
There are after school programs.
They are good.
They are designed for youth.
They are designed for older youth
(Hint: 'good...')
There were studies.
There were several.
They were spanning more than ten years.
(Hint: 'several...')
There is an ability.
It is the ability to maintain.
It is the ability to maintain self-control.
It is the ability to avoid.
It is the ability to avoid conflicts.
(Hint: 'the ability to...')
There is a system.
It is a professional development system.
It is unified.
It is unified by a core.
It is unified by a core of knowledge.
The knowledge is body knowledge.
(Hint: a professional development...')