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Do you know these words?
The aim of this activity is to measure the number of words that you know on this topic. Below is a list of words related to this topic. Some of them are real English words, but some are wrong. Click on the ones that are real, and ignore the wrong ones. Clicking real words will increase your score, but clicking wrong ones will decrease it. When you have finished, click on the 'Check Answer' button. The program will give you feedback and advice on which words you need to learn.

Your score:
The real words of the wrong words are shown in blue.

acknowledgess acknowledges hypothesis dissrationale irrational conduct
subjects controls variabled variable data
theory unreplication unreplicated treatments experimental
biological objective uninterpretated misinterpreted derive
dislogical illogical claim flaw procedure
persuasive unvalid invalid justify biological
sample ratio accumulasion accumulation irreactive unreactive
indicate illustrate misfluctuate fluctuates badly devise
critique tentativeless assured synthesize assertive
critically uncautious incautious plagiarism apealling appealing
abstract narration misanalogy bad analogy jargon
acronyms specialist emerging revolutionary
property unintegrated not integrated crucial application
dramatize characteristics terminology synonyms
catalyst anecdote implication methodology

Match the word to the definition

Fill in the gap with the best word.
  1. By connecting rather than alienating in a public setting, it is a great catalyst for collaboration.
    (Answer: catalyst )
  2. And among those who agreed to try to understand the words, the discussions quickly bogged down in dense terminology.
    (Answer: terminology )
  3. Everyone waited to begin observing the cosmic wonders emerging slowly overhead.
    (Answer: emerging )
  4. The Regents appointed me in 2014 to address the problems and to devise and implement new initiatives.
    (Answer: devise )
  5. Scientists are uncovering ways of making messages more persuasive.
    (Answer: persuasive )
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