1. Captain James Cook refined his navigational skills while __________ the coasts of Newfoundland and Labrador from 1763 to 1767. | | |
2. Over 2000 years ago, Socrates complained, "Children today are tyrants. They __________ their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers." | | |
3. It is __________ impossible to get tickets for the concert now; they were all sold out within hours. | | |
4. There is always a certain degree of __________ in language, which can be difficult for language learners to accept. | | |
5. Clearer __________ on defining what is to be considered organic food will help consumers make informed choices. | | |
6. Her angry remark __________ the discussion. | | |
7. An essential aspect of __________ samples is that the population must be explicitly defined or identified. | | |
8. As male buffalo get older and are __________ by new dominant males, they leave the herd and live on their own. | | |
9. A firefighter came to our office to do an __________ for fire safety. | | |
10. This writing course will focus on spelling, punctuation, and __________. | | |