When the restaurant put up its prices so drastically, all the customers got together and decided to boycott the place.
Answer: boycott
It is only fair that people on a high income should pay more tax.
Answer: income
The government is trying to introduce more environmentally friendly methods of recycling.
Answer: environmentally
The planning division is currently working on a long-term strategy for the entire company.
Answer: strategy
The sales agents receive a basic salary and a 5% commission on all sales.
Answer: commission
Hong Kong is a multi-racial society and many ethnic groups live harmoniously together.
Answer: ethnic
Your essay will be judged according to the following criteria content, accuracy and organization.
Answer: criteria
The advertising company is looking for an innovative and talented young designer.
Answer: innovative
When the pilots went on strike, the value of the shares in the airline plummeted.
Answer: plummeted (plunged)
Make sure you use the freshest ingredients to ensure that the meal is very tasty.
Answer: ingredients