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Watch the video and answer the questions below.
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  1. What is the official language of Joyce’s company?
    1. English
    2. Cantonese
    3. Putonghua
    (Correct answers are bolded.)
  2. What aspects of her job involve the use of English?
    1. Writing emails, making phone calls, and communicating at meetings
    2. Writing emails, technical and administrative documents, and making phone calls
    3. Writing emails, technical and administrative documents, and communicating at meetings
    (Correct answers are bolded.)
  3. What does she think is the most important while writing an email?
    1. To write clearly
    2. To write politely
    3. To write quickly
    (Correct answers are bolded.)
  4. What advice did Joyce’s supervisor give to her?
    1. Present your ideas in a logic and polite way.
    2. Present your ideas in a logic and clear-thinking way.
    3. Present your ideas in a polite and clear-thinking way.
    (Correct answers are bolded.)
  5. Why is it important for Joyce to know her audience?
    1. This helps her decide what details need to be mentioned based on the positions of the audience.
    2. This helps her decide what details need to be mentioned based on the language levels of the audience.
    3. This helps her decide what details need to be mentioned based on the background knowledge of the audience.
    (Correct answers are bolded.)
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