1. The adjective that means “fairly large”.

      unlimited   sizable
      a few   some
  2. A noun which is normally used to denote any point of entering or beginning.

      way   path
      threshold   key
  3. A verb that means to look intently, searchingly, or with difficulty.

      glare   peer
      read   discover
  4. A noun that means a photograph.

      shoot   telegram
      snapshot   memo
  5. A word that means the skeleton of the head.

      skull   liver
      kidney   lung
  6. A verb that means to bring out or draw out.

      picture   elicit
      push   withdraw
  7. A noun that denotes the maximum or optimum amount that can be produced.

      container   capacity
      category   consumption
  8. A noun that refers to a natural or acquired habit or characteristic tendency in a person developed even as early as he/ she is in the womb.

      predisposition   premature
      pre-exist   pre-engage
  9. A verb that means to gain possession of something or to gain through experience.

      conquer   acquire
      compete   observe
  10. A character / personality of an individual or a mood of a person.

      temperature   temple
      temptation   temperament