The twin: This is definitely . I mean, to say, I don’t think the or anything is us. It’s just what we are like. We are like .
Narrator: So does this mean that happiness is something that we are born with? That we either have it or we don’t? Well, the now say to a large extent that’s true.
Researcher: We are on the threshold of in how we study human behavior. For the very first time we can peer inside the box.
Narrator: At the University of Wisconsin, Psychiatrist Richard Davidson is trying to photograph . Using a brain imaging , Davidson takes a kind of X-ray that shows which section of the brain is most when you are feeling happy. Brain locus being burn here and that’s the ?
Researcher: This is we can come to a snap shot of what the brain is doing during certain states.
Narrator: So for person who’s happy and Davidson is watching her brain. He can see where the happiness happens.
Researcher: We discovered that people quite dramatically in the extent to which they have the activity in this part of the , the left frontal and it turns out that people who have more activities in that area of the brain, are happier.
Narrator: How do you know?
Researcher: They can tell us. Another way is we their if they smile more we make the inference that they are happier. They are the who are just very enthusiastic.