Multiple Intelligences Theory,
Independent Language Learning
and the Internet

Andy Morrall

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Were you ever bored at school?


Do you think some kids would like to:

How do kids learn about dinosaurs?

Interest and Motivation

My Problem

A Tale of Two Teachers

Jill Bell's idea of narrative

Education and Culture

MI Theory - Background

The Eight Intelligences


  • potential isolation by brain damage
  • the existence or savants, prodigies and other exceptional individuals
  • an identifiable core operation or set of operations
  • a distinctive development history
  • an evolutionary history
  • support from experimental psychological tasks
  • support from psychometric findings
  • susceptibility to encoding in a symbol system


Examples 2

4 Key Points

Intelligences, not Learning Styles

Independent Learning - Definition

IL Philosophy

Deconditioning - Holec recommends:

IL and IT

Levels of independence

Nunan's (1997) model 'Autonomy: levels of implementation.'
  1. Awareness - learners identify their strategies and styles
  2. Involvement - learners make choices
  3. Intervention - learners modify or adapt tasks
  4. Creation - learners create their own tasks
  5. Transcendence - learners become teachers and researchers

My problem re-visited

Research Question

Survey Participant Profile


Conclusion 1

Conclusion 2

Application - Report Writing (MI)


Report Writing 2 (MI)

Report Writing 3 (IL)


Bibliography 1

Bibliography 2

Sites - Linguistic & Logical / Maths


Sites - Musical & Bodily-kinesthetic


Sites - Visual, inter- & intra-personal


Sites - All the Intelligences