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Ordering the Phrases

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The aims of this activity are to help you learn about the different stages of a presentation and to learn some phrases that tell your audience where you are in your presentation.

Put the following useful phrases for presentations into the correct order. Move the phrases up and down by pressing the and arrows. Then click the Check Answers button below. Click to start. Click here for help.

Move phrase up:                       Move phrase down:   .  


If you have any suggestions or questions, please e-mail us at .

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How to move phrases:

  1. Click on the phrase you want to move
  2. Click on the up or down arrow above the phrases
  3. Click the arrow again until the phrase is in the right place.

Tips on using this page:

  1. Move the first phrase to the top of the box
  2. Move the second phrase to the second line
  3. When you have put all the phrases in the right place, click the 'Check Answers' button.

An example presentation text using these phrases:

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to my presentation. The topic of my presentation is how to get a high grade in English assessments on presentations. The aim of my presentation today is to inform you of the phrases you can use in a presentation. The main points I will be talking about are, firstly, what to say in the introduction, secondly, what to say in the main points, and finally, what to say in the conclusion. Finally, I'll be happy to answer your questions at the end.

Firstly I'd like to talk about what to say in the introduction. This is an important point because the introduction gives the audience their first impression of you. You can show the audience that your English is good and that you are a well-organised person by using the following expressions:

  • "Good morning / afternoon / evening, ladies and gentlemen."
  • "Welcome to my presentation."
  • "The topic of my presentation is..."
  • "The aim of my presentation today is"
  • "The main points I will be talking about are, firstly,..."
  • "Finally, I'll be happy to answer your questions at the end."

I'd like to illustrate this by showing you this graphic:"

  • "Good morning / afternoon / evening, ladies and gentlemen."
  • "Welcome to my presentation."
  • "The topic of my presentation is..."
  • "The aim of my presentation today is"
  • "The main points I will be talking about are, firstly,..."
  • "Finally, I'll be happy to answer your questions at the end."


"That's all for my first topic."

(Other topics go here.)

"I'd now like to conclude by summing up and making recommendations. The purpose of this presentation was to inform you of the phrases you can use to get high marks in English assessments on presentations.  The main points I talked about were: firstly, what to say in the introduction, secondly, what to say in the main points, and finally, what to say in the conclusion. Therefore I recommend that you learn these phrases and use them in your presentations.

I'd now like to invite any questions you may have."

(End of presentation.)