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Do you know these words?
The aim of this activity is to measure the number of words that you know on this topic. Below is a list of words related to this topic. Some of them are real English words, but some are wrong. Click on the ones that are real, and ignore the wrong ones. Clicking real words will increase your score, but clicking wrong ones will decrease it. When you have finished, click on the 'Check Answer' button. The program will give you feedback and advice on which words you need to learn.

Your score:
The real words of the wrong words are shown in blue.

incident acidentalextracurricular Activities feasibility sales
recommentionrecommendation audience procedure findings
introduction unclusionconclusion nature status
structure un-headingssub-headings terms of reference case study
unposalproposal significant contrast request
unterpreting datainterpreting data collecting data length/depth abstract/executive summary
appendicies methodology reliminary pagespreliminary pages format
trends hedging describing vs discussing data unvestigateinvestigate
style undrawndrawn gather large scale
dramatically compare insatisfactiondissatisfaction

Language of approximation
65%about two-thirds of 1043over a thousand
28%just over a quarter of 115over a hundred
21%about a fifth 9fewer than ten
49%just under a half of 2a small number
74%almost three-quarters of 4a few
33.3333%a third of 6several
92%most of 749,982about three-quarters of a million
98.5%almost all 1,256,890,534over 1.2 billion
Match the word to the definition

Complete these sentences with the best word:
  1. The audience such as managers, clients and future readers, are the most important aspect to consider when writing a report.
    (Answer: audience )
  2. In the introduction , the writer must always include the name of the person or people who requested the report.
    (Answer: introduction )
  3. “About two-thirds”, “almost all”, “a few”, and “several” are all examples of the language of approximation , which is used to make the report easier to read.
    (Answer: approximation )
  4. Describing , the data is an essential part of the report as it gives possible reasons for the information and can be used to make suggestions for changes.
    (Answer: Describing )
  5. Comparing is describing the similarities between things whereas contrasting is describing the difference(s).
    (Answer: contrasting )
  6. When writing a report it is better to hedge rather than make absolute claims.
    (Answer: hedge )
  7. A report may be requested because a company (for example a hotel or a restaurant) is concerned about perceived dissatisfaction by some of its customers.
    (Answer: dissatisfaction )
  8. An accident report may be read by emergency services, insurers and health and safety officials.
    (Answer: accident )
  9. Sub-headings are used to divide the report into easily-identifiable sections.
    (Answer: Sub-headings )
  10. For conciseness, only patterns of customer behaviour that are significant should be included in a report.
    (Answer: significant )
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