Boesel and Fredland (1999) estimates that around 600,000 students leave 4-year colleges annually without graduating.
According to Elchanan Cohn and Terry Geske (1992), there is a tendency for more highly educated women to spend more time with their children; this time to better prepare their children for the future.
According to E. Cohn and T. Geske (1992), there is a tendency for highly educated women to spend more time with their children; these women tend to use the time to prepare them for the future.
According to Elchanan and Terry (1992), there is the tendency for more highly educated women to spend more time with their children; these women tend to use this time to better prepare their children for the future. (See number 3 for author's surnames.)
According to Cohn and Geske (1992) suggest that "college graduates appear to have a more optimistic view of their past and future personal progress."
According to a report published by the Carnegie Foundation, benefits of higher education include the tendency for postsecondary students to become more open-minded, more cultured, more rational, more consistent and less authoritarian...(Rowley and Hurtado, Jan, 2002).
Boesel (1999) estimates that around 600,000 students leave 4-year colleges annually without graduating. These noncompleters earn less than college graduates because they get fewer years of education.
(Original Source: Boesel, D., and Fredland, E. (1999). College for all? Is there too much emphasis on getting a 4-year college degree? Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, National Library of Education.)
Some researchers estimate that around 600,000 students leave 4-year colleges annually without graduating. (Source: Boesel and Fredland, 1999).
The escalating cost of higher education is causing many to question the value of continuing education beyond high school. (Source: Kathleen Porter, 2002.)
Parental schooling levels are positively correlated with the health status of their children. (Make a direct quotation. Use the reporting verb 'state'. Source: Cohn and Geske, 1992, p. 7).