Read each question carefully and find the in-text referencing error. (Refer to the examples on the left if necessary.) Then select the best answer.
Character education is the "fastest growing reform movement in P-12 education today", thus all counselor educators and counseling students need to be informed of various P-12 character education programs. Currently, more than 30 states mandate some aspect of character education.
Quotation marks (".....") are needed around the quoted material.
The verb does not 'agree with' the subject/author
There is no in-text referencing / sources used to support the numbers presented.
Uses 'someone' or 'some researchers' instead of the exact name of the author / authors.
Williams & Schnaps detail the work of the now defunct National Commission on Character Education, formed in 1997, to answer these questions (p. 12).
The year of publication is missing.
The page number is missing.
Quotation marks (".....") are needed around the quoted material.
The verb does not 'agree with' the subject/author.
According to Williams (2000), reports that the Commission used character education as an umbrella term that encompasses diverse approaches, philosophies and programs (p. 15).
The verb does not 'agree with' the subject/author (e.g. you should use a plural verb with a singular subject/author OR a singular verb with a plural subject/author).
There is no in-text referencing / sources used to support the numbers presented.
Some authors are missing in the in-text reference.
Both 'according to' and a reporting verb (+ that)' are used.
Typically, the goals of character education are to help children become morally responsible, self-disciplined citizens (McBrien & Brandt, Aug, 1997, p. 178).
All names of the author were used.
The month or day (or both) was included.
Some authors are missing in the in-text reference.
The verb does not 'agree with' the subject/author.
Original Source: The purpose of character education is to assist students in becoming positive and self-directed in their lives and education and in striving toward future goals (ASCA, 1998, p 14).
Student's version: The American School Counselor Association stated that the purpose of character education is to assist students in becoming positive and self-directed in their lives and education and in striving toward future goals (ASCA, 1998, p. 14).
Uses 'someone' or 'some researchers' instead of the exact name of the author / authors.
The author's initials were included in the text.
Quotation marks (".....") are needed around the quoted material.
The verb does not 'agree with' the subject/author.
These goals are carried out by teaching children about basic human values such as honesty, kindness, generosity, courage, freedom, equality, and respect (Jody Lynn McBrien & Ronald Brandt, 1997, p. 92).
All names of the author were used.
Only given names of the author were used in the text.
The author's initials were included in the text.
The verb does not 'agree with' the subject/author.
Williams and Schnaps (1999) cites theorists DeVries, Lickona, Watson, and Berkowitz (1998) as participating in indirect instruction (p 47).
Some authors are missing in the in-text reference.
The verb does not 'agree with' the subject/author.
'Someone' or 'some researchers' is used instead of the exact name of the author / authors.
The month or day (or both) was included.
Williams (1999) defined indirect instruction as "building a child's understanding which is believed to lead to interpersonal interactions of peers under the guidance of caring adults (p. 12).
Reference List:
Williams, M., & Schnaps, E. (Eds.) (1999). Character Education: The foundation for teacher education. Washington, DC: Character Education Partnership.
There is no in-text referencing / sources used to support the numbers presented.
Quotation marks (".....") are needed around the quoted material.
Some authors are missing in the in-text reference.
The verb does not 'agree with' the subject/author.
Someone (2000) stated that character education is integrated into the school community as a strategy to help re-engage students, deal with conflict, keep students on task in the learning environment, and reinvest the community with active participation by citizens in political and civic life (p. 77).
Only given names of the author were used in the text.
The author's initials were included in the text.
Quotation marks (".....") are needed around the quoted material.
Uses 'some researchers' or 'someone' instead of the exact name of the author / authors. (Information about the author is not specific enough.)
Theorists Watson, M. (1989) and Berkowitz, M.W. (1999, p. 69) included community building in their theories (p. 33).
Only given names of the author were used in the text.
Quotation marks (".....") are needed around the quoted material.
The verb does not 'agree with' the subject/author.