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Do you know these words?
The aim of this activity is to measure the number of words that you know on this topic. Below is a list of words related to this topic. Some of them are real English words, but some are wrong. Click on the ones that are real, and ignore the wrong ones. Clicking real words will increase your score, but clicking wrong ones will decrease it. When you have finished, click on the 'Check Answer' button. The program will give you feedback and advice on which words you need to learn.

Your score:
The real words of the wrong words are shown in blue.

Curriculum Vitae Career objectives Education Excurricular ActivitiesExtracurricular Activities
Language Abilities Referees Unterviewed Interviewed Prepared
Specified Incorded Recorded Addressed Persuaded
Notivated Motivated Acted Retegrated Integrated Established
Planned Inviewed Reviewed Demonstrated incouraged Encouraged
Solved Resume Personal data Employment record
Skills Sports/hobbies Invised Devised organised
Created Completed Executed Cordinated Co-ordinated
Promoted Publicised Reveloped Developed Unvitalised Revitalised
Revented Invented Founded Administered Strengthened
Supervised Designed Raintained Maintained Trained

Match the word to the definition

Complete these sentences with the best word:
  1. A Curriculum Vitae, sometimes also referred to as a Resume gives an overview of a person’s experience.
    (Answer: Curriculum Vitae , Resume )
  2. Normally, you should provide details of one or two referees who will testify to your value and/or capabilities.
    (Answer: referees )
  3. You need to promote your achievements so that you will be noticed, create a good impression and hopefully get an interview.
    (Answer: promote )
  4. If you are invited to an interview for the job you have applied for, you should aim to demonstrate you have the skills that the employer is looking for.
    (Answer: demonstrate )
  5. I have developed new ways of helping other students with these problems.
    (Answer: developed )
  6. Whilst at university I have founded two new student organisations.
    (Answer: founded )
  7. I am good at solving problems and I enjoy a challenge.
    (Answer: solving )
  8. For my service learning subject I helped to train other volunteers teaching primary children in community centres.
    (Answer: train )
  9. Employers will specify what qualifications are necessary for this job.
    (Answer: specify )
  10. Your CV should persuade a potential employer to give you an interview.
    (Answer: persuade )
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