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Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Rating Form
Do you know these words?
The aim of this activity is to measure the number of words that you know on this topic. Below is a list of words related to this topic. Some of them are real English words, but some are wrong. Click on the ones that are real, and ignore the wrong ones. Clicking real words will increase your score, but clicking wrong ones will decrease it. When you have finished, click on the 'Check Answer' button. The program will give you feedback and advice on which words you need to learn.

Your score:
The real words of the wrong words are shown in blue.

Hypothesis Bacteria Colony NutriantNutrient
Transitive Intertransitive Intransitive Filter Anomalies
Amtobpdoes Virus Uninfectant Disinfectant Genetic
Polymorphic Hybridize Mutation Probe
Synthetic Oligonucleotide Cleavage Endonucleese Endonuclease
Holymorphisms Polymorphisms Detection Yield Immunoglobulin
Antigen Hybridomoma Hybridoma Molercular Molecular Viroligy Virology
Vaccination Sytotoxic Cytotoxic Suppressor Membrane
Microspheres Cholesterol Antecedent Diastolical Diastolic
Brachial Arterial Mubtilis Subtilis Epidemiological
Microbe Immunodeficiency Nitrates Pharmaceutical
Cytiotoxic Corticosteroids Postulate Lymphocyte
Deplesion Depletion Hemophelia Hemophilia

Match the word to the definition

Fill in the gap with the best word.  There is a clue to the meaning of the missing word in brackets at the end of the sentence.
  1. It is a gelatinous material derived from marine algae , used a base for bacterial culture media and as a stabilizer and thickener in food. (a water plant)
    (Answer: algae )
  2. A mutation is a change in the structure of the genes or chromosomes of an organism. (change)
    (Answer: mutation )
  3. It may dilute the unique genetics of the native golden shiner, since it can hybridizybridise with that species. (make a combination)
    (Answer: hybridize / hybridise )
  4. Membranes are usually made of layers of phospholipids containing suspended protein molecules and a permeable to water and fat-soluble substances. (barriers or walls)
    (Answer: Membranes )
  5. The adjective brachial relates to the arm or to an arm-like part or structure. (adjective for "arm")
    (Answer: brachial )
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