1. The nuclear family is generally a conjugal unit. By this it is meant that in most societies, the family grows out of the union of a husband and wife, called a couple, who have entered into marriage. It consists primarily of father, mother and offspring. The extended family, by way of contrast, comprises a nucleus of blood relations and associated spouses. When someone marries, he or she is incorporated into the parental families and is able to share a common life with all blood relatives. The former family type is a concentrated culture pattern, while the latter is a diffused one.

    The nuclear family is generally a conjugal unit. By this it is meant that in most societies, the family grows out of the union of a husband and wife, called a couple, who have entered into marriage. It consists primarily of father, mother and offspring. The extended family, by way of contrast, comprises a nucleus of blood relations and associated spouses. When someone marries, he or she is incorporated into the parental families and is able to share a common life with all blood relatives. The former family type is a concentrated culture pattern, while the latter is a diffused one.