Task 1 The Language of Emotion
Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word.
- antagonize
- disillusioned
- disorientating
- elated
- exasperate
- exhilarating
- inspiring
- invigorating
- rejuvenate
- relieved
If things rejuvenate you, it makes you feel or look young again.
If you rejuvenate an organization or system,
you make it more lively and more efficient for example by introducing new ideas and new methods.
If things disorientate you, you no longer know in what direction anything is, including the direction that you have come from.
When you are elated, you are extremely happy and excited; exhilarated.
If people exasperate you, they annoy you and make you feel rather frustrated or upset.
Something or someone that is inspiring is exciting and makes you feel enthusiastic and interested.
Something that is invigorating makes you feel more energetic; refreshing.
If you antagonize someone, you make them feel angry or hostile, towards you.
If you are relieved, you feel pleased because something unpleasant is not true, is not as bad as you had feared, has not happened or is no longer happening.
If you are disillusioned with something, you are disappointed because it is not as good as you had expected it to be.
If activities exhilarate you, they give you a strong feeling of happiness and excitement; thrill.
Source: Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary. 1987. London: HarperCollins Publishers.
Task 2 Collocations on Health
Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate phrase.
- blood pressure
- chest pain
- flu virus
- heart attack
- heart surgery
- immune system
- infant mortality
- life expectancy
- maternity ward
- omega 3 oils
- premature ageing
- tanning salon
A maternity ward is a room/area in a hospital which has beds for women who are pregnant.
If someone has a heart attack, their heart begins to beat very irregularly or stops completely.
Infant mortality refers to the death of children under the age of one year.
Premature ageing is getting older earlier than usual or earlier than people expect.
High salt intake the act of taking a lot of salt into your body.
Chest pain a feeling of great discomfort in the top part of the front part of your body where your ribs, lungs and heart are.
Blood pressure is the amount of force at which the blood flows around your body.
A/an tanning salon a is place, possibly where beauticians or hairdressers work, where you can lie on a bed with special lights so that your skin can turn darker than usual and you look as though you have been in the sun.
Your immune system consists of all the organs and processes in your body which protect you from illness and infection.
Heart surgery involves cutting open a patient so that a surgeon can repair a damaged part of a vital organ.
Omega 3 oils refers to an unsaturated fatty acid of a kind occurring chiefly in fish oils, with 3 double bonds at particular positions in the hydrocarbon chain.
The flu virus is a kind of germ that can cause influenza.
Task 3 Words on Health Care
Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate phrase.
- alternative medicine
- palliative treatment
- preventive medicine
- conventional medicine
Conventional medicine refers to traditional medicine in places like the UK.
Alternative medicine refers to any of the medical therapies that are not regarded as orthodox/traditional/ordinary by the medical profession, such as herbalism, naturopathy and crystal healing.
Palliative treatment refers to medicine or treatment that relieves suffering without treating the cause of the suffering.
Preventive medicine refers to medicine which keeps illnesses from occurring.
Task 5 Other Health Vocabulary
Put the following phrases into the spaces below.
- have a check-up
- have an operation
- have a scan/X‑ray
- lack of funding
- waiting list
- outdated equipment
- post-operative infection
- to see the doctor
A waiting list contains the names of a lot of people who have asked for something which cannot be given to them immediately, e.g. medical treatment.
A lack of funding refers to not enough money provided by the government or an organization for a particular purpose.
If you go to see the doctor you visit him/her for a consultation.
Post-operative infection is a disease caused by germs or bacteria which occurs after and is related to a medical operation.
If you have a check-up, you visit the doctor or dentist to have a medical examination to make sure that there is nothing wrong with your health.
Outdated equipment is necessary items for a particular purpose which is old-fashioned and no longer useful or relevant.
When a patient has an operation, a surgeon cuts open their body in order to remove, replace or repair a diseased or damaged part.
If you have a scan or an X-ray, you have a medical test to check if your organs are healthy and working normally.
Source: Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary. 1987. London: HarperCollins Publishers
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