Transcription – National Geographic - Close Encounters of the Giant Kind
I did a three-week expedition to the Yukon Island, which is in the sub-Antarctic, and it was in winter time, the only time that these whales are there.
So on this one day, this gigantic whale, forty-five feet in length, as big as a city bus, just swim down and gently approached us on the bottom. My assistant, who is a great diver just kind of posed perfectly standing on the bottom and was dwarfed by this massive animal. I think our heart was beating out of our chest because it was just so exhilarating. But there is no threat by this animal; it just had a great deal of curiosity about us.
In a situation like this, you’re in the bottom of the ocean alone, and you’ve got this thing that look like a submarine swimming up to you. But it’s looking at you, and its thinking and you see its tail moving, and your heart is pounding, your brain is just racing. My brain is racing thinking: Don’t screw up, get the picture. You know, nobody’s going to believe this. I’ve had some magnificent animal encounter out there in the wild, but I have to say this one tops the list.