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Watch the video and answer the questions below.
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  1. What are the three parts of Phyllis’s job?
    1. To support the daily operation of other departments, liaise with external vendors and organize meetings, and assist senior managers
    2. To support the daily operation of other departments, liaise with external vendors and collaborate with other colleagues, and assist senior managers
    3. To support the daily operation of other departments, liaise with external vendors and collaborate with other colleagues, and promote new services
    (Correct answers are bolded.)
  2. What types of documents does she write in English?
    1. Internal enquiries, communication emails, business emails
    2. External enquiries, communication emails, business emails
    3. Internal enquiries, external enquiries, communication emails
    (Correct answers are bolded.)
  3. How did she communicate with the French lady first?
    1. Through face-to-face communication
    2. By phone
    3. By email
    (Correct answers are bolded.)
  4. Why did her first attempt of communication with the French lady fail?
    1. They could not understand each other very well.
    2. They could not hear each other over the phone.
    3. She could not speak French.
    (Correct answers are bolded.)
  5. How did she manage to communicate successfully with the French lady later?
    1. Through face-to-face communication
    2. By phone
    3. By email
    (Correct answers are bolded.)
  6. Why does Phyllis’s company run meetings in English?
    1. It is more formal to run meetings in English.
    2. The boss is a foreigner, and he speaks English only.
    3. They have lots of foreign colleagues, and English is the lingua franca.
    (Correct answers are bolded.)
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