Your answerAnswer
After the exam, everybody went to Cafe De Coral for some noodles.
After the exam, everybody went to Cafe De Coral for some noodles.
Without adding MSG, much Asian cuisine would be considered too bland for a lot of people.
Without adding MSG, much Asian cuisine would be considered too bland for a lot of people.
The student of the Year award was won by an undergraduate from Sichuan.
The student of the Year award was won by an undergraduate from Sichuan.
There are a number of universities throughout Hong Kong which train students for specific professions.
There are a number of universities throughout Hong Kong which train students for specific professions.
Before choosing a graduate school, students are advised to seek advice from alumni.
Before choosing a graduate school, students are advised to seek advice from alumni.
At some universities, Students with a 5** in English are except from taking English courses.
At some universities, Students with a 5** in English are except from taking English courses.