What is the boy’s name?
- Andy
- Woody
- Buzz
What is Andy going to become?
- a college student
- a primary school student
- a toy collector
What are the toys worrying about?
- They are getting old
- Andy is going to throw them away
- Andy is leaving on Friday
The toys wish to get played _____
- with.
- on.
- at.
After meeting the kids, the toys decide to
- escape
- stay
- sleep
Which of the followings is Buzz’s signature phrase?
- “To the universe and beyond”
- “To beyond and infinity”
- “To infinity and beyond”
How can a Buzz Lightyear toy be reset?
- By inserting a clip into the hole on its back
- By inserting a coin into the hole on its back
- By inserting a pen into the hole on its back