At 4:40, Jordan says, '...more energy efficient vehicles and hybrid vehicles, that's gonna call for a _____________ _____________ of the entire model we know of...for the automobile industry.'
At 4:53, Jordan says, 'And President Obama is...pushing a line of legislation, and there's going to be ___________ ___________ ____________ and guidelines for car production in the future.'
At 5:03, Jordan says, 'So people who do look into, kind of renewable urban planning acts as a major, and looking into ___________ ____________ as that starts to become a major in the sciences...'
At 5:56, Jordan says, 'I think the great thing about all these are you can you can still major in fairly traditional fields, but there are _____________ _____________,...'
At 6:29, Jordan says, ' again, just like with the automobile industry, finance is going through a bit of a tough time right now, but all the models suggest that this is going to a particularly ___________ ___________.'
At 6:42, Jordan says, 'a lot of financial companies are going to be looking at...more real time data anda lot more ___________ ___________ to figure past performance and future performance interrelate.'
At 6:52, Jordan says, 'So using...the technology that's available, the financial industry is going to ____________ ___________. And it's going to continue to be a hot and profitable sector.'
At 7:12, Jordan says, 'President Obama said that under his new legislation there’s going to be five million new jobs...created in the ___________ ___________.'
At 7:30, Jordan says, 'So there’s going to be a substantial number of new initiatives that are going to be taking green skills and __________ _________ skills and...'
At 7:37, Jordan says, '...changing almost every piece of the structure of our society as we move away from __________ __________ ___________.'