1. In reality, journalism has very little to do with a story that needs to be told. It has more to do with mass , how many papers you will sell, or how much press your story will get from the media. For this reason, every journalist is after the big , that story which no one else has. However, no story, or even the who got you that story, will stay secret. So the next thing you need to consider is the you will give to the story. When doing this you have to stay on the right side of the laws. Too many journalists have used journalism instead of fact or not properly respected someone’s and had their careers destroyed in court. papers are generally more likely to take a risk than a broadsheet but they are all involved in wars with each other so are hungry for the big story.

  2. I started as a journalist on a very low-quality tabloid newspaper in the 1990s. I hated it, because I felt it had no principles: the checked every report from his journalist and he would change them to make them more sensational if necessary. The articles were often based on rather than hard facts. The important thing was always to get the scoop before the other newspapers, and to send a out with a camera to get the most salacious photo possible. Well, I stuck it for two years, but then I was lucky to get a job on a . I’m still there, and I’m now a regular , writing in depth about any medical stories in the news.