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1. (v.) stop working because its parts have become stuck and can no longer move
2. (v.) to kick someone or something hard with the foot
3. (n.) a place where something (e.g. mobile broadband coverage) is very bad
4. (n.) a way in which something can be used for a particular purpose
5. (n.) the top of a desk
6. (n.) a small mammal with short fur, a pointed face, and a long tail
7. (n.) a small device that you move across a surface in order to move a cursor on your computer screen
8. (n.) colloquially means a man’s penis
9. (v.) to make a computer ready for use by getting the necessary information into its memory
10. (v.) stop operating
11. (n.) the liquid that comes from fruit or vegetables
12. (n.) a view on a computer screen that contains icons representing files, programs, and other features of the computer
13. (n.) a fungal disease which causes a reduction in both fruit quantity and quality
14. (n.) a computer program
15. (v.) store something (usually food) at a very low temperature and makes it hard
16. (n.) energy or power
17. (v.) damage something by squashing or hitting (i.e. car accident)
18. (n.) a piece of equipment that allows access to a particular software usually wirelessly (i.e. in banking)